Staying up-to-the-minute on the latest technology news can be challenging thanks to a social Catch-22 — you can now get more information faster from a far greater number of social networks, but there isn’t enough time to consume it all. Twitter takes the cake when it comes to the fastest way to disseminate news and consume information. Just check out this heat-map video that shows what happened on Twitter when Donald Sterling was banned for life from the NBA using location-based heat-mapping. The take away – both big and small news stories have the propensity to spread fast.
Staying up to date isn’t enough anymore…
you have to stay current to the minute or else you risk being out of the loop, which is a bigger deal than it may seem. Staying relevant with clients, customers, and within your own organization is key, as it affords you the opportunity to see the successes and mistakes of other companies play out and make business decisions based on breaking news. It’s also an easy way to learn something new from a source you respect. To help marketers, programmers, business leaders and the like ensure they know what company Google just purchased, what Microsoft product was just released, and ultimately know what’s happening when it happens, we’ve compiled a list of the top 50 Twitter accounts to follow for the latest on technology, business, software, and more!
For the latest tech news, you’ll want to start by following accounts from these major publications:
The Next Web: @TheNextWeb International news on technology, business and culture. Follow specific channels in our Twitter lists.
Re/code: @recode Independent tech news, reviews and events brought to you by @waltmossberg, @karaswisher and the entire Re/code team.
ZDNet: @ZDNet Where technology meets business
Tech Crunch: @TechCrunchBreaking Technology News And Opinions From TechCrunch
TechRepublic: @TechRepublic Empowering the People of Business and Technology
#TechinBiz: @techbusiness Helping the Business Community to use technology to increase efficiency and Productivity. #Tech #Business #Innovation
Engadget: @Engadget The definitive guide to this connected life.
Gigaom: @Gigaom Gigaom is the leading global voice on emerging technologies. We aim to humanize technology and provide deep insight on disruptive companies, people and trends.
Wired: @WIRED WIRED is where tomorrow is realized.
We Use Gadgets: @weusegadgets Social media, internet tools, gadgets, technology geek
Ars Technica: @arstechnica Original news and reviews, analysis of tech trends, and expert advice on the most fundamental aspects of tech and the many ways it’s helping us enjoy our world.
Smart Planet: @SmartPlanet Innovation that impacts your world. From CBS Interactive.
For updates and thoughts from tech enthusiasts and business leaders, follow:
Alexia Tsotsis: @alexia Co-Editor at TechCrunch. Breaks news, hearts.
MG Siegler: @parislemon Partner @GoogleVentures. A man of few words. Except when writing.
Neil Patel: @neilpatel I’m an entrepreneur, investor, advisor and blogger. I have started two SaaS analytics companies, @CrazyEgg and @KISSmetrics with @hnshah.
Hamid Shojaee: @hamids Love software, technology and other cool things. CEO of Axosoft.
Jason Fried: @jasonfried Founder & CEO at Basecamp (formerly known as 37signals). Co-author of Getting Real, REWORK, and REMOTE.
Uncle Bob Martin: @unclebobmartin Software Craftsman
Keith Rabois: @rabois entrepreneur, investor, contrarian
Hadi Partovi: @hadip Founder, Entrepreneur, startup advisor/investor.
Jessica Lessin: @Jessicalessin I am the founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Information. Thanks for following!
Michael Koziarski: @nzkoz I live in New Zealand, write web software, maintain Ruby on Rails and have two beautiful daughters.
Amy Stephen: @AmyStephen Database, Web, and PHP Developer; @Molajo Pushy, brusque, stubborn and abrasive feminist.
Apparently, testing is responsible for more than I imagined.
— Amy Stephen (@AmyStephen) May 20, 2014
Alex Williams @alexwilliams Founder, The New Stack
Charlie Osborne: @ZDNetCharlie @ZDNet, @CNET & @SmartPlanet writer for @CBSi. Fond of security, education & biz tech. Freelance photographer. Life organized around the F1 season.
Amanda Coolong: @acoolong @TechZulu Founding Partner | Bene Gesserit | Logophile | Raconteur | Conscious Creative | A 5′ 2 force of nature | #Bitcoin
Kent Beck: @KentBeck Programmer, author, father, husband, goat farmer
Leo Laporte: @LeoLaporte Podcaster, broadcaster and tech pundit. The Tech Guy on the Premiere Networks. Chief TWiT at For my link feed follow @links_for_twit
Peep Laja: @peeplaja I make websites sell. Conversion optimizer. Founder of Markitekt. I write ConversionXL.
Ivo Lukas: @mssonicflare Founder/CEO @24Notion ;Innovate,Inspire,Captivate; WWJD;Design-Digital-Brand-Interactive-Tech-MKTG-PR-Entrepreneur-Blogger @HuffPostTech
Scott Belsky: @scottbelsky Leading @Behance to connect and empower the creative world; Publisher of @99U; VP Products & Community @Adobe; Author of Making Ideas Happen; Investor/Advisor
Martin Fowler: @martinfowler Programmer, Loud Mouth, ThoughtWorks
Janko Roettgers @jank0 Senior writer for @Gigaom, host of @cordcutters, co-host of Gigaom’s Chrome Show.
Here are the robots, drones and fire-spewing octopus you missed at this weekend’s Maker Faire via @gigaom
— Janko Roettgers (@jank0) May 19, 2014
If you’re a developer, make sure you follow the accounts of these industry leaders:
Paul Clifford: @Paul_Clifford I’m a serial software entrepreneur building software apps to solve content marketing problems.
Jeff Atwood: @codinghorror Indoor enthusiast. Co-founder of and Disclaimer: I have no idea what I’m talking about.
Kevin Pilch-Bisson: @Pilchie Dev Lead for C# and VB IntelliSense/Refactoring/etc for the Roslyn project at Microsoft, husband, father of three.
Chris Wanstrath: @defunkt GitHub Co-Founder & CEO
Before cofounding GitHub I applied for an engineering job at Yahoo and didn’t get it. Don’t let other people discourage you.
— Chris Wanstrath (@defunkt) May 22, 2014
John Resig: @Jeresig Creator of @jquery, JavaScript programmer, author, Japanese woodblock nerd (, work at @khanacademy.
Reto Meier: @retomeier Head of Scalable Developer Advocacy @ Google, software engineer, and author of Professional Android 4 Application Development.
Avdi Grimm: @avdi 80% angel, 10% daemon, the rest is hard to explain.
Alan Cooper: @MrAlanCooper Software Alchemist. President of Cooper, ‘Father of Visual Basic,’ inventor of design personas, produced ‘the first serious business software’ for PCs
Sara Chipps: *@SaraJChipps I jam with the console cowboys in cyberspace. CTO @FlatironSchool and @FlatironLabs. Made @GirlDevelopIt, making @jewliebots. #JS4life
David Fowler: @davidfowl Software Developer at Microsoft on the ASP.NET team, Creator and lead developer on SignalR
Ward Cunningham: @WardCunningham Objects, Patterns, Agile, Wiki
Mike Cohn: @mikewcohn I’m an agile software development consultant, trainer, author and practitioner. I blog at #MGSClasses
K. Scott Allen: @OdeToCode More experiments in writing
Sarah Mei: @sarahmei Ruby developer, rabid pair-programmer, RailsBridge founder, Head of Propaganda at @minifast. These are my short-form rants.
Chris DiBona: @cdibona Googler, Open Source Dude, Dad
Pratik: @lifo Programmer | Basecamp
Android WebView’s javascript interface is by far my favourite feature of Android dev – Esp for hybrid app like ours!
— Pratik (@lifo) February 6, 2014
Terence Lee: @hone02 heroku’s ruby task force (RTF), ruby core padawan, bundler core, railsgirls, friday hug evangelist, hopkins alumni